4th Installment of “Adventures of Yu Jin – The Golden Crow” Novel Book Release!

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Brian Lee launched the 4th installment of his book series – “Adventures of Yu Jin – The Golden Crow”.

On 6th November, Brian Lee launched the 4th installment of his book series – “Adventures of Yu Jin – The Golden Crow”.

Asides from his own fans who came to show support, Mr. William Phuan (Executive Director, National Book Council) and Mr. Wee Tian Beng (TCZ Studio) also graced the launch.

During his hour-long presentation, Brian shared his initial thoughts on the creation of this series, his writer’s journey, as well as a brief introduction of the first 3 installments.

Brian then shared with the audience his views on Singapore’s Chinese language learning environment and possible factors contributing to the younger generation’s unwillingness to learn Chinese – the notable lack of exposure to Chinese language and the rigidity of conservative teaching methods in schools.

In order for the younger generation to show interest in learning the Chinese language,
book titles geared towards simple and easy understanding, as well as a wider selection of genres,  are much needed in the market.

As a round-up, Brian announced the next 2 installments will be tentatively launched in March 2020 and the end of 2020 respectively.

The 5th installment will take place in Singapore, its setting is based on the exploration of Singapore’s urban legends as the background for the main plot.

The 6th installment will be set in Europe, mainly Russia, where our main lead, Yu Jin, will be caught in a major turning point where it could possibly turn his life upside down.

 For more information about The Golden Crow or to purchase the book, please click here.