In Conversation With Chief Editor: Yeo Hui San

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We welcome the new year at PuraComixMag with open arms and to kickstart 2020, our first interview for the year is with PuraComixMag’s chief editor – Yeo Hui San.

First up, we would like to congratulate her as her original comic of school life and romance – “Friendship Band” was successfully licensed as a video comic with Vividthree Productions. “Friendship Band” also had the honour to be listed alongside internationally known titles and comic artists in the commemorative volume of Kita-kyushu Manga Summit 2019, proudly organized by ICC – International Comic Artists Conference.

In this interview, Yeo Hui San – who is also the Vice President of Comics Society (Singapore), will brief us more about the latest developments and upcoming events for PuraComixMag and Comics Society (Singapore).

Read more about Yeo Hui San here.

The commemorative volume of Kita-kyushu Manga Summit 2019
The commemorative volume of Kita-kyushu Manga Summit 2019

1. As the Chief Editor of PuraComixMag, what are your thoughts towards the future outlook of this e-comic magazine?

As PuraComixMag is currently on its 6th issue, I hope more budding original comic artists would join us on this e-platform, where we already have a ready and established mentorship programme and system in place to develop potential talents.

By working closely with current serialized artists, our pool of mentees and new upcoming potentials, PuraComixMag is projected to offer even more interesting stories, genres and fresh content. After all, it is our goal in the first place to promote our local original comics and artists onto the international platform.

Yeo Hui San with other Comics Society artists

2. What would you like to express to the artists in our local original comics scene?

Coming from the critical viewpoint of a chief editor, I would like to say that, of course, nothing is easy and I would urge everyone to work hard to strive for the best results.

Asides from putting in time and effort, I would encourage all creators to delve deeper into knowledge of all aspects, as it would aid them in their creative process of creating more engaging story-lines and content.

As one from the creative line, I hope everyone can keep in mind that a successful comic artist is not just one who creates eye-catching illustrations, but also a story-teller who engages their audience with riveting stories.

"Friendship Band" and other local comic titles
“Friendship Band” and other local comic titles

3. What are the events we can expect from Comics Society (Singapore) this year?

We are currently in planning for our 2nd Singapore International Original Comics Competition and it is open to local and international original comic artists and illustrators to take part. We saw a total of 400 comics and illustrations last year, so we hope that we can see more this year! Interested parties can visit SGIOCC website for more information,

In March, it will also be our first year collaborating with the #BuySingLit programme by Singapore Book Council and National Arts Council (NAC). Over two respective weekends, our progammes will focus on culture and creation of local graphic novels and comics. All sessions are FREE ADMISSION.

On 7th March (Saturday) at National Library (Central), Level B1 activity zone, we are slated to have two respective sharing sessions – one of which is conducted by Shen Jiahui of “The Makeup Toolbox” – a local original comic series which drew inspiration from Jiahui’s foray into the makeup industry when she made the switch from the art education sector.

The second session will be conducted by Brian Lee – the novelist behind the Chinese adventure novel series – “The Adventures of Yu Jin” (大冒险家 宇进), which is also featured on PuraComixMag. A Chinese tuition teacher by day and a novelist at heart, he has successfully released four volumes, where the 4th installation was launched at Singapore Writers Festival last year and it is also now made available at Kinokuniya.

There will also be a “Comic Drawing for Beginners” workshop conducted by InkFusion Singapore with a workshop capacity of 30 to 40 attendees, as well as an on-site exhibition of works from members of Comics Society (Singapore).

On 14th March (Saturday), our office at TCZ Studio Pte Ltd will have an open house featuring interactive sessions with serialized artists and mentors of PuraComixMag – Liu Jiahui “Rixou” (“Pandora’s Scar”), Yeo Hui Xuan (“Dream Walker”), Clio Hui “Kiri” (“A Deal With Lucifer”) and myself, who would also be conducting an introductory course on PuraComixMag as well as a portfolio session for everyone who is interested to submit their comics stories.

With walls decorated with comic titles and artworks produced by its artists, attendees will not want to miss out on this chance to visit Singapore’s one and only original comics publisher! For more information on our “PuraX#BuySingLit” collaboration programme, visit our publisher’s website here:

In July, we will also be running our mainstay programme – Singapore Original Comics Festival (6th edition). Our month long event on original comics, illustrations, content, and creations will see to an exhibition of local and international works, interactive sessions, workshops, as well as a creator’s market celebrating all things original! Do keep an eye on our publisher’s website ( for more!


‘”So far, thank you everyone for your support! If you are interested in the latest updates of our events and happenings, do visit us here at PuraComixMag to keep up with our weekly postings and publications!”